The Oldest Gen Z is at least 27 this year.

The Oldest Gen Z are 27 y/o

We’ve watched Kenyan cops do this to peaceful protesters all afternoon (

The Oldest Gen Z is at least 27 this year.

And the oldest millennials are turning 43 this year, probably approaching a midlife crisis. Their fire has gone and they have kids of their own, with mortgages to pay, car loans, life style diseases starting to kick in, they are caring for their siblings and probably their parents, others going through a divorce, lost a couple of their age mates and probably can’t navigate through a simple TV remote.

Being at least 43 means that this generation have lived during Moi’s regime, as well as Kibaki, Uhuru and now Ruto. Have probably voted at least twice for Uhuru and maybe Ruto. But if you can remember that the popular songs “Unbwogable” and “Banjuka” were used during Kibaki’s campaigns and these guys are millennials, then it means that millennials have probably voted for the last 3 presidents. A lot of their decisions have been influenced by what their parents have said or experienced while growing up. Their parents being Boomers and Generation X. Boomers and Generation X grew up in times of fear when Kenya was ruled by a tyrannical regime when the president would wake up one day and decide to do a cabinet reshuffle at a whim. A lot of tribalism had taken root. For example, even the Kikuyus were divided in 3, those of Nyeri, Murang’a and Kiambu.

But it is amazing to see that the path that older generations have made has inspired the younger generations to speak out. Surely, it would be unspeakable to hurt these kids on the streets picketing a present state they do not want for their future. Their style of holding peaceful effective demos has wowed all Kenyans. No looting, just chants and having their camera phones out as well as blasting all available socials.

I think it is important for Gen Z to learn from their older brothers and sisters because history has a tendency of repeating itself. This fire they have has to keep on going because if once very vocal people like John Kiarie (KJ) who ridiculed dirty politicians using satire and comedy has become a joke of a politician, then there is much to be learned.

# #RejectFinanceBill2024

One thought on “The Oldest Gen Z is at least 27 this year.


    Knowing why you are rejecting finance bill is key. Going in those streets without a purpose is not right. For me I rear poultry and the prices on feeds is just waaay over board. The last thing the government should do after failing to create employment is to frustrate SME’s. So personally nkiona teargas naona kuku,nikiona manjege naona kuku. I’m not going out there because others are but cause if I don’t kuku watanikula hai!!!

    Knowing why you are rejecting finance bill is key. Going in those streets without a purpose is not right. For me I rear poultry and the prices on feeds is just waaay over board. The last thing the government should do after failing to create employment is to frustrate SME’s. So personally nkiona teargas naona kuku,nikiona manjege naona kuku. I’m not going out there because others are but cause if I don’t kuku watanikula hai!!!


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